Tuesday, August 21, 2012

PC Update!

Circa 2010, but so fitting for this post.
I've been dying for some sort of update. It has been almost three weeks since the last murmur, which was to simply tell me my packet arrived.

"Your medical kit was received and logged into our system and was just distributed to a nurse for review this week. It will likely be a few weeks before you hear from your nurse about any additional information or medical clearance, due to the high volume of work related to the transition, but your file will be reviewed shortly. In the meantime, if you have copies of the documentation you submitted, it would be helpful if you could review the documentation to check if there is anything that is incomplete. If you can address this now, it will save a further delay if your nurse would need to request this information later."

A few weeks? That's three right? I'm going to say it's three. Three weeks is September 10th. That's only  504 hours. No sweat. My paperwork is only 40+ pages and I've only reviewed it probably 10 times. If you need me in the next 504 hours I will be reading the same pages over and over. Can you tell my nonexistent patience is wearing thin?

Send me good vibes and a quick reading nurse!

Monday, August 20, 2012


How could August possibly be almost over? It has been a crazy month to say the least. 

Hannah came back from Italy, I got to spend a brief twelve hours running around Boston with her. Now she's somewhere off in Bulgaria saving the world, teaching English, or leading a choir or something.

Saw Mumford and Sons live on the Eastern Prom with Keelin at their Gentleman of the Road Portland Stopover! It was spectacular! Keelin was on TV. The back drop was the water. Maine is the best-- how lucky we are.

The next weekend Natalie came to visit and we adventured to Massachusetts to see Lauren & Zachary get married! It was so great to see Natalie, Lauren, Zach, & Sharie. It had been far too long since I had seen them all. It was a muggy day, but a good time was had by all. A butterfly landed on Lauren's head during the ceremony-- I couldn't make it up if I tried. Lauren looked absolutely stunning, Zach looked dapper as always.

The campaign has been moving quickly. I've been working long hours but everything seems to be going well. This past weekend we travelled to Walpole in Lincoln County and Owls Head in Knox County for lobster bakes. The coast of Maine is gorgeous. We didn't eat a bite of lobster the whole day. From here until November it is going to be getting progressively more busy and chaotic. See ya never!