Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My medical packet has arrived!

I’ve been told the medical process was going to be long, with lots of hoops to jump through, and boy that’s not a joke. I knew I was going to have some extra work to do because I underwent knee surgery in the last year and because I have anxiety, but I didn’t know the extent of the paper work I would need to track down. Plus, there are a few other minor things that I have to get signatures on– having orthotics in my shoes requires two pages of questions.

I understand the reason the Peace Corps needs me to track down all this information, but the stack of forms looming on my desk and the number of doctors I need to call seems quite daunting. I will have my appointments with my doctor and dentist by the beginning of June, hopefully by then I’ll be able to track down all the other information and signatures I will need! Wish me luck!
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