Saturday, September 29, 2012

Medically cleared.

After some nice, but excessive emailing I finally have received my medical clearance! Exhale. My PC nurse emailed me to let me know, a letter should come in the mail soon to detail my next steps. From the interwebs it appears that I should be hearing from the Placement Officer shortly-- I could be receiving my invitation (country and date) in the next week, or it could take six weeks. JHSDUJFHSESKDF. I'm very pleased.

In other news, campaign life has been crazy. I've been totally slacking on keeping up with friends and family, sorry everyone!! My life lately has been made up of campaign, food, & sleep sometimes-- but no complaints. In the past couple of weeks we've been to Bangor/Orono, Bridgton, Farmington/Weld, Augusta, Ellsworth, Brunswick-- we'll be heading up to Madawaska in the coming weeks. Two hour car rides no longer phase me. We're incredibly busy, but what an experience. Will be looking forward to some nice R&R come mid-November.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

I can taste medical clearance

So close to medical clearance I can almost taste it. Dental is officially cleared, got the okay from the nurse on my knee and basic medical but because of my anxiety a mental health nurse has to give the final approval. The nurse I spoke with today seemed to think I would be cleared tomorrow unless the mental health nurse has any outstanding questions. Cross your fingers for me please. Full medical clearance would put me into the placement phase and oh so close to an official invitation including country & date.

Campaign life is super picking up, spent 14 hours traveling across the state Tuesday and again today. Exhausted. I will share any more updates on Peace Corps as I have them!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Waiting for MY adventure.

Hawaii, DC, Virginia, Massachusetts, Bulgaria, France, Amsterdam.

Graduated, still in school, or otherwise I've recently noticed the trend of my friends going on spectacular adventures across the country & globe. I love hearing stories and reading blogs from all of their adventures. While I know the campaign trail is an adventure in it's own right, I can't help feeling extremely jealous of my friends all over the world.

Every chance I get I've been reading Peace Corps books & blogs trying to learn, to understand, and to prepare. I thought maybe reading would help fight off my immediate desire to travel & explore-- it has only made me want to experience every corner of the world more.

To my friends exploring now: Exhale. Relax. Open your eyes & enjoy. Oh, and remember to send lots of updates & pictures this way! 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

58 days until the Election

Not that anyone is counting. November 6th is Election Day. If it isn't on your calendar yet, it should be!! In Maine you can already request your ballot online- here.

Campaign life is picking up, I thought I was busy before. I can go without sleep for 58 days right? We got some great endorsements (MSEA, Maine Nurses, WAND, National Women's Political Caucus) & have been working hard. I wont bore you though, you can read it all for yourself on the campaign's website and/or Facebook (if you haven't liked our page yet you should-- even if you're out of state). 

Labor Day weekend I got a few days to relax. Dad & I went parasailing out of Saco!! They brought us right to the beach in front of our house-- the whole family was there waving like goons. It was weirdly quiet & it feels like you're going at a snail's place. The weekend was also filled with other adventures-- mini golf, Palace Playland, too many family games, swimming in the ocean, shopping & the arcade. Can't beat Maine.

No news from Peace Corps. I'm dying. I've been reading One Hand Does Not Catch a Buffalo-- short stories from RPCV (returned Peace Corps volunteers)-- it is not helping me be any more patient. I was told I should hear by a nurse by mid-September-ish. Ahhhhhh. Hurry up.