After some nice, but excessive emailing I finally have received my medical clearance! Exhale. My PC nurse emailed me to let me know, a letter should come in the mail soon to detail my next steps. From the interwebs it appears that I should be hearing from the Placement Officer shortly-- I could be receiving my invitation (country and date) in the next week, or it could take six weeks. JHSDUJFHSESKDF. I'm very pleased.
In other news, campaign life has been crazy. I've been totally slacking on keeping up with friends and family, sorry everyone!! My life lately has been made up of campaign, food, & sleep sometimes-- but no complaints. In the past couple of weeks we've been to Bangor/Orono, Bridgton, Farmington/Weld, Augusta, Ellsworth, Brunswick-- we'll be heading up to Madawaska in the coming weeks. Two hour car rides no longer phase me. We're incredibly busy, but what an experience. Will be looking forward to some nice R&R come mid-November.
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