Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sofia, Bulgaria.

We woke up the morning of our trek to the capital, Sofia, to learn that the Bulgarian Prime Minister, and essentially government, had resigned, no big deal. More information on the resignation can be found here. We knew that there had been protests going on, but could have never have guessed the government would casually resign. The perfect time to head to the capital, right?

We took a four hour bus ride from Sliven to Sofia. On our way from the bus station to Hannah's friends house, another Fullbright-er who was letting us sleep on her couch, we tried to stop to see the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral but it was closed for some reason.
The parking lot next to the cathedral was full of busses of police officers in riot gear. Casual. That was really the only sign of any unrest that we saw. For the most part all the Bulgarians were carrying on like they didn't even know their Prime Minister had stepped down.

We walked from the Cathedral to Hannah's friend Shelby's apartment. There were two other Fullbrighters visiting so their was no lack of action. Shelby has this adorable dog named Pri, which is short for friend in Bulgaria. 
We went out to dinner and called it a night. We did a little walking in the morning with Pri, we went to see the City Park, and then were off to the airport!


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